Thursday, March 22, 2012

YW Manual 1 (2012) Lessons 11 & 12 "Coming Out" Poem Handout

Interesting that the first blog post I am posting on this blog about crafting is a Young Women's handout.  Considering how many projects I want to post and how even though I reserved this blog name months ago, I guess I should be happy with whatever I get!

I use Sugar Doodle ALL of the time for EVERY lesson I do.  For Lessons 11 & 12, I combined the 2 lessons into one.  There was a cute bookmark with the Coming Out poem that was used in the lesson, but it wasn't opening for me {grumble} and wasn't really fitting in with the idea I had for the book mark so I decided to make my one using the same concept.  It is not quite a bookmark ended up being a lot fatter than I intended it to be, but it turned out really cute and can be used for just a normal handout instead of a bookmark.  I love the colors, they are *SO* this season's colors!  (It's true, I saw it on Pantone's website a couple of weeks ago.)

I used freebie fonts and brushes; when I have more time I will figure out where I got the brushes from and put links on this page back to the creators so you can get them for yourself if you want and to make sure that the creators get the credit they deserve.

Here is my handout that I made (note that the preview only shows 2 handouts when there are actually 3 on the page):

You are more than welcome to save the image and use it in your lessons!  For those of you who don't know, right-click on the image and then choose "save image as..."  I made the file as big as I could so hopefully it will not be pixelated.

Thanks for stopping by!  :)